Smart Roads with charging lanes incoming?
Imagine a road sign that appears only when needed, or an inductive charging lane for power

The Smart Highway is a series of design ideas that will be shown at the Dutch Design Week – revealing glow in the dark roads, inductive road lanes, dynamic paint and more. Two of which will make it to Dutch roads as prototypes soon.
By mid-2013 glow in the dark road markings, that charge in the day and light up for 10 hours at night, will be introduced in the Netherlands.
The Dutch will also be testing dynamic paint that appears only when needed – like icicles as warning pictures appearing when its cold enough for ice to form.
Another exciting idea is inductive road lanes that allow electric cars to be charged as they drive. This idea could potentially cut down journey times while helping the environment and encouraging the future of electric cars. There are also interactive lights, which grow brighter as cars approach and dim as they depart, which could help save enough power to juice the cars in the inductive lane. These aren’t planned for a launch yet but here’s hoping they catch on soon.
[via DesignBoom]
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