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Home / News / SwiftKey Flow brings the fight to Swype

SwiftKey Flow brings the fight to Swype

The Google Play store-topping keyboard giant has its sights set on the screen-swiping faithful with its latest fancy feature

SwiftKey is our Android keyboard of choice here at Stuff, and the fact that it’s currently sitting pretty as the top app in the Google Play store in 30 countries means we aren’t the only ones who’ve taken a shine to its eerily accurate word predictions.

Continuing on its quest for world domination (and taking the fight directly to Swype), SwiftKey has just revealed SwiftKey Flow, a new typing approach which melds together SwiftKey’s existing mind-reading powers with the ability to glide your finger across the keyboard to type words.

SwiftKey Flow will support both traditional and glide typing simultaneously, letting you switch between both methods on the fly. Check out the video below for more info and head on over here to sign up for early beta access.

We for one look forward to putting SwiftKey Flow through its paces with our ultimate keyboard acid test – typing out the lyrics to the Fresh Prince of Bel Air theme. It’s very scientific we’ll have you know.

Profile image of Erna Mahyuni Erna Mahyuni Contributor


Voted most likely to be up at 3am killing dragons online, Erna is mad about gizmos and games. Writes fun stuff for Stuff.tv from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

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