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Home / News / Why you should ditch Google Maps for a MyWay wristband

Why you should ditch Google Maps for a MyWay wristband

These haptic wristbands will steer pedestrians and cyclists in the right direction come rain, shine or complete and utter inebriation

Cyclists, listen up. You might think your smartphone is the only ‘urban navigation device’ you need but Imperial College London/RCA student Larissa Kunstel-Tabet is here to tell you you’re wrong.

The design engineer, who has previously worked with the London Underground, has made a working prototype (below) of her MyWay wristband which syncs to a specially designed app on your smartphone to nudge you left, right and straight ahead when you’re cycling, walking or on public transport.

It does this via nodes that stick out of the inner band to make contact with your wrist – and once you’ve made it to the right bus stop or tube station you can turn the MyWay on silent. Another nice touch is the dedicated home location.

So cyclists won’t even have to glance at a watchface or phone to check you’ve not made a wrong turn. Plus we love the idea of falling asleep on the train and getting a little jolt when it’s time to get off.

Kunstel-Tabet has made MyWay wristbands in two designs, one in different colours and another with an etched design around the outside for the more fashion-conscious among the lost souls wandering around big cities.

Let’s hope some map-hating tech investor gets together some cash to make these nifty haptic saviours become a reality.

Images by Larissa Kunstel-Tabet

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Profile image of Tom Parsons Tom Parsons Contributor, Stuff.tv


Tom is a nerd. A gaming nerd, a home cinema nerd, a hi-fi nerd and a car nerd. And a bit of a bike nerd, and phone nerd, and computer nerd. Let's call the whole thing off and just go with all-round nerd. In the past he's been an audio book actor, a games tester, a chocolate salesman and a teacher in Japan. Then he joined What Hi-Fi? as a reviewer back in 2007 and moved to Stuff as Reviews Editor in 2011. After a five-year stint on Stuff he rejoined the What Hi-Fi? team where he currently rules the reviews team with a candy floss fist.

Areas of expertise

All things AV and hi-fi, gaming, cars, craft beer, wine, loading a dishwasher

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