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Home / News / OutRunner: the slightly freaky robot that can sprint at 20mph

OutRunner: the slightly freaky robot that can sprint at 20mph

Back its Kickstarter campaign and you could bag your very own remote control speedster

If you’re looking for a remote control gadget that’ll turn heads, look no further than the OutRunner – a scary multi-legged robot that can run on almost any surface at speeds of up to 20mph.

The robot comes in two versions: the OutRunner Core, a six-legged, 1.5-foot tall model that can hit 10mph and comes with a one-hour rechargeable battery; and the OutRunner Performance, which has 12 legs, is two feet tall and can run at 20mph for up to two hours.

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Both models can be controlled via remote, but the Performance also offers smartphone control via an app – and can stream video direct to your phone too with its built-in HD camera. It also has a universal camera mount for third-party cameras.

Because the OutRunner has legs, it can tackle most flat-ish terrains: roads, grass and even dirt. The way it moves is inspired by animals, with a similar mass/length distribution, and it steers by shifting its centre of mass.

The robot’s creators are seeking US$150,000 through Kickstarter. Pledging US$249 (£150) or more can bag you an OutRunner Core, and pledging $799 (£475) an OutRunner Performance. Should they reach their goal, the robot rewards should be sent to you by July 2015.

[Kickstarter via Engadget]

Profile image of Sam Kieldsen Sam Kieldsen Contributor


Tech journalism's answer to The Littlest Hobo, I've written for a host of titles and lived in three different countries in my 15 years-plus as a freelancer. But I've always come back home to Stuff eventually, where I specialise in writing about cameras, streaming services and being tragically addicted to Destiny.

Areas of expertise

Cameras, drones, video games, film and TV

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